Xtreme Mapping App Reviews

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Very useful app

Way more flexible than what we usually have on Djing software. Here are some feature suggestions: - Search filter on the comments column - Ability to add sections and hierarchy (using commenting system) - A built-in document manager to manage our versions of mappings (with iCloud support) - Jog Wheel mapping wizard (with some preset settings for most known controllers) - An FX mapping wizard for advanced FX combos - A Template creator in order to build and print our own skins (and why not partner/integrate with StyleFlip or similar hardware personalization services) I hope I brought some fresh ideas :) Keep up the good work!

Good application for Traktor users

Excellent app with this update and back to cover all the needs of the users of traktor, waiting for her time, recommend

bought it and doesn

Bought it to create my own mapping, but the wizard doesnt react on my S2 input commands. want my money back -.-

App is not working and no response from support

Everytime I want to install i got an error message. NO REACTION FROM SUPPORT! :( I want my money back or please help me

Might be OK, but

trying to open an original native instruments mapping file (Maschine.tsi) from ver. 2.6.5 leads to the following message: "Few of the mappings contained in the file have not been loaded because they are not supported in the selected Traktor version or contain invalid settings. Saving the file will result in a permanent deletion of these mappings.“ I think there have things to be reworked. especially because you can´t tell which mappings will be discarded. Hope there will be an update soon.

Wonderful app

For a controllerist like me nearly the best app out there! time saving and full of functions. Thank you !


This is great! Keep working on it adding little features here and there and I garuantee this will be a huge success. Very impressed so far, bout time someone made something like this.

Essential but not perfect

If you need to edit a Traktor mapping file (.tsi) on the mac, this is your best bet. Compared to the editor inside traktor, this is heaven. Can scale the window, copy-paste, work with multiple files and a lot more. There are still things that would make this software better. I have run into a few problems: - It gives me problems opening mappings saying some of mappings dont exist, but it doesnt tell me what those mappings were. - It cant open multiple mapping files, but it should give you the option to take parts of that file. - I was also hoping to be able to modify what is being mapped to. Why cant this be edited like everything else, only passing the settings that apply to both. Anyways, this software is worth it if you ever need to do major edits to a mapping. Saving hours of time is worth 6 bucks. If you really cant reason it, maybe you can just edit the XML directly, but that is a headache in itself.

Remix Deck Direct Mappings?

I just spent too long mapping and adding modifiers to a remix deck because of the direct mappings, and Id really like it if you could have some way of copying and pasting modifier commands into a group of these commands. I could have went out and bought groceries today, but instead was individually mapping each cells command. Please bring support to all remix deck mapping commands!

Not compatible with Traktor 2.7

I can’t seem to open a mapping exported from 2.7 in XtremeMapping. I like the application overall but I think it would help a lot if the commands were more readily available instead of going thru menus every time. If you guys create tool bars with simple “Text” it will greatly improve the workflow.

Great for anyone using traktor

this software really is great! well worth the 6 bux. This is the first release, being said, bugs are expected with any first release. However this software dosent have many, and the developer is very responsive in addressing the ones which are currently present. Great job on a phenominal software, and great responce from the dev! Lovin it! Way better then traktors own controller manager!

Tons of great features except one

Ill gladly give the app 5 stars once it supports the X1/S4s.

Works as advertised

The simple fact that this app does what NI / Traktor cannot seem to get is well worth the $6. It turned a 45min hack job of assigning controls into a 5 minute job, and thats just using a wizard. Amazing. If I could give it 6 stars, I would.

Does what it says, but lacking critical features

This software seems to strive to replicate the controller editor in Traktor, and does so quite well. Unfortunately, other than the wizard, full screen ability, and copy/paste support, it does little else. I would think a program called "Xtreme Mapper" would be more focused towards complex conditional mappings, but there is nothing in the program to help you do that at all. You can not change the mapping after adding it through the "Add In" or "Add Out" menu. You can not batch edit multiple mappings at a time in any way whatsoever. You can not copy modifiers through a hotkey (though it is available through menu - yuk). You can not group mappings in any way other than using "Filters", which does not help in modifier-heavy mappings. There isnt even the Copy A->B/C->D feature thats available in Traktor. The foundation is there for an amazing mapping editor, but IMO save your money for now and stick with the editor in Traktor until the developer adds some of these much needed features.

Not really needed this app

This app is not really needed. You can edit all mappings on Traktor much easier than using this app.

This app is useless

I purchased this app to manage my DDJ-T1 mappings, but i cant even import my existing mappings into this thing. Dont waste your money.

Useful if updated!!

This was a great idea and many people I know that use Traktor flocked to this App in hopes that it may save them from the hell that is the Traktor Preferences Window. Sadly the developer has failed to update it to be compatible with the latest version of Traktor or address any of the real problems users have had using this program.

Glad you added s4 support

This app isnt the greatest thing known to man, but it is a pretty good help with traktor maps. Before they added s4 support I was pretty pissed that I had paid for an app that I could barley use. It was worse when I got used to mapping in xm from mapping a friends controller, then had to go back to traktor for my own. Thanks for the update guys, it is definetly worth the purchase now. I would suggest this application to anyone that is into mapping, either amatuer or pro. People will definetly pay you to do this too, just ask for a list of functions they want. This app will help you make your money fast. Even if you arent interested in money, there is nothing quite like remaping your own controller to your liking. It completley changed my S4 for the better. Good luck guys

Does What It Does Well

This app is really good for making custom MIDI mappings for use with Traktor, however it is not up-to-date and does not support all of the new functionality that Traktor can map. For example, it does not allow me to map Sample Deck FX Enable, Sample Deck Monitor Cue, or Sample Deck Key Lock... support for this functionality would make this a 5 star review.

Good, but not perfect yet.

I would love to able to change the modifiers of multiple selected items. Also, I dont know if its just me but I have to use ctrl-x because my delete key doesnt do anything. Other than those small issues Im xtremely happy to have found this. Thanks!

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