This app isnt the greatest thing known to man, but it is a pretty good help with traktor maps. Before they added s4 support I was pretty pissed that I had paid for an app that I could barley use. It was worse when I got used to mapping in xm from mapping a friends controller, then had to go back to traktor for my own.
Thanks for the update guys, it is definetly worth the purchase now. I would suggest this application to anyone that is into mapping, either amatuer or pro. People will definetly pay you to do this too, just ask for a list of functions they want. This app will help you make your money fast.
Even if you arent interested in money, there is nothing quite like remaping your own controller to your liking. It completley changed my S4 for the better. Good luck guys
Pruvit about Xtreme Mapping