Remix Deck support was fine for what I needed.
I finished mapping out a remix deck on my APC40 and was not ready to do it all over again. Obviousalias initially scared me away because I thought the program woudn’t even open a .tsi file that had remix deck stuff in it. But what hes talking about is the “Add in” and “Add out” menus in the program to add new controls are still outdated and don’t have all the new commands for mapping out the remix deck. But the program opens .tsi files with the new commands just fine. Its not really a big deal, just do the initial mappings in Traktor.
I was able to open my .tsi file, bulk duplicate all the new midi controls I made for the remix deck, bulk reassign them all to remix deck D, and change the midi channels that were different in groups. Being able to do that saved me several tedious hours of work. But I was not able to change all the modifier values from M3 to M4 all at once like I needed, nor was I able to change Deck value on the Slot # Cell # State modifier. That was kind of agrivating that I had to sit here and do all that, but its better then doing all of the mapping by hand.
This app will be worth a full 5 starts when I can bulk edit any mapping controls that share any common setting. Until then its still a work in progress. But for now, its still a big time saver.
NotsoSiniSter about
Xtreme Mapping